"TeleNovela Channel is the first ever full-time soap opera channel in Asia that broadcasts 24 hours a day 7 days a week.The channel features timeless stories from different genres, selecting only the best soap series that are contemporary, loved and renowned by a worldwide audience. This also includes famous stars from Latin America, Mexico and all over the world."
The trade party happened last October 2012 to relaunch the TeleNovela Channel (SkyCable Channel 60) at the Spicy Fingers restaurant in Greenbelt 3 which was dressed up Mexican style. It was well-attended by media people and guests were coming way beyond dinner time. The food and booze overflowed and the party mood continued 'til late in the night!
Congratulations to Beginnings at Twenty Plus, Inc. and Televisa! Salud!
From the grapevine... we heard that there are plans to take the TeleNovela Channel to another level very soon? Why not! The more to enjoy the channel!